A group of people running

Human beings love to gather with people who are like them. Who share common interests. Who can understand each other. Homo sapiens enjoys seeing in others what motivates himself. Sometimes he joins an official club with mandatory membership, but sometimes it’s just a approving nod when crossing paths with a fellow member. For example, motorcycle enthusiasts always greet each other with a wave as they pass by. For a brief moment, two strangers silently say to each other, “You are one of us.”

When I was obese, I grew a massive beard that became my pride. I took care of it, had it trimmed by a professional barber, pampered it with various products: oil, specialized shampoo, and so on. Encountering another bearded man turned into a ritual: a glance, a shared approving nod that mentally translated to “Nice job, my man!”

This sense of community exists, of course, for running as well. Even if you don’t belong to a more or less official running club that trains together, the solitary jogger is still part of a whole: the runners. They understand the efforts because they know where they come from. They know where they were a year ago, two years ago, ten years ago. When crossing paths with another runner on the street, there’s a small hand gesture or a nod. Always.

“Good job, my friend!” they say to each other with this simple gesture.

Here, a beginner who wants to get back in shape. There, a sixty-year-old surprising others. And farther on, an athlete aiming to improve their time in the next marathon. And always the hand gesture, which translates to “No matter your pace, no matter your distance, no matter where you are in your journey, it’s your journey and you can be proud of it.”

This unspoken bond among runners transcends borders and cultures. In different corners of the world, individuals strap on their running shoes, hit the pavement, and share a profound connection with one another. It’s a language without words, a universal understanding that brings together people of diverse backgrounds, all driven by the sheer joy and passion for running.

As the miles accumulate and the sweat pours, runners forge a unique camaraderie that goes beyond any barriers society may impose. They are a tribe of their own, a tribe that welcomes all who embrace the art of putting one foot in front of the other. It’s not about competition but rather a celebration of personal triumphs, no matter how big or small.

Each runner’s journey is a tapestry of stories – tales of resilience, perseverance, and self-discovery. From the seasoned marathoner who has conquered countless races to the novice lacing up for the first time, they all share a common thread. The road to becoming a runner may vary, but the sense of accomplishment and the shared passion unite them as if they were long-lost friends.

Even amidst the silence of a solo run, there is an unspoken conversation happening between strangers. A knowing look or a nod is all it takes to communicate the mutual understanding that each step is a testament to dedication and commitment. In those fleeting moments of acknowledgment, barriers crumble, and genuine support flourishes.

It’s a tribe where the collective rhythm of breathing and footfalls creates an invisible bond, weaving together individuals who might never exchange a word otherwise. There’s an acknowledgment of the sacrifices made, the early mornings or late nights spent pounding the pavement, the relentless pursuit of personal growth.

And as the seasons change, so do the challenges and goals. A runner preparing for a winter race crosses paths with another embracing the warmth of summer, yet they share the same spirit. Whether it’s the blissful ease of a recovery run or the grueling effort of speed work, they understand each other’s highs and lows.

The running tribe extends far beyond the physical act itself. It becomes a source of inspiration, motivation, and a reminder that the human spirit is boundless. Each runner carries a unique story within them, and the tribe listens with open hearts, recognizing the beauty of diverse narratives.

In a world filled with division, the running tribe stands as a testament to the power of unity. People from all walks of life, all corners of the globe, come together under the banner of running, proving that a shared passion can overcome differences and foster a sense of belonging.

So, the next time you find yourself on a run, and you see another runner approaching, remember the tribe to which you both belong. Embrace that small gesture of acknowledgment, that nod, that fleeting connection, for it carries with it a profound message: “You are not alone. You are one of us, and we are in this journey together.”