When Sylvester Stallone was so broke that he had to sell his dog, only to later buy it back

In the heart of the early 1970s, a young Sylvester Stallone found himself at a crossroads. Struggling with poverty and dreams that felt as distant as the sun, he clung to his loyal companion, Butkus, a spirited bull mastiff. Butkus was more than just a dog; he was Stallone’s unwavering source of companionship, laughter, and inspiration.

Stallone recalled those challenging times in a nostalgic black-and-white photo, depicting himself with a young Butkus by his side. They lived in a modest apartment above a subway stop, a place Stallone humorously described as having “hot and cold running roaches.” It was in this unassuming abode that Stallone’s journey into screenwriting began, a journey that would ultimately lead to the creation of a cinematic legend.

Since I never went out, I relied on his companionship,” Stallone playfully recounted. “And actually it was his idea to write Rocky, but don’t tell anyone.” Butkus, with his playful antics and unwavering support, became Stallone’s muse as he channeled his thoughts and emotions into crafting the story that would change his life forever.

As fate would have it, the circumstances of life took an even more challenging turn, forcing Stallone to part ways with his beloved Butkus. In a heartbreaking moment of necessity, he sold Butkus for a mere $40 in front of a 7-Eleven store. It was a decision born out of desperation, as Stallone struggled to make ends meet and put food on the table.

However, destiny had a surprise in store. The screenplay for Rocky, the underdog tale of a boxer’s journey to greatness, captured the attention of Hollywood. Stallone’s fortunes began to shift, and he was able to buy back his cherished companion. But the journey was not without its twists. The new owner, aware of Stallone’s desperation, charged him a hefty $15,000 for Butkus’s return.

He was worth every penny,” Stallone declared with a mix of fondness and gratitude. Butkus had not only witnessed Stallone’s trials and triumphs but had also played an instrumental role in inspiring the creation of a cinematic masterpiece that would resonate with audiences for generations to come.

Plot twist: Rocky won an Oscar and Butkus even got to star in the first two movies of the never-ending Rocky story.

The story of Sylvester Stallone and Butkus is a testament to the unbreakable bond between a man and his furry friend. From humble beginnings to Hollywood success, their journey highlights the enduring power of companionship, the resilience of the human spirit, and the remarkable ways in which the love and loyalty of a dog can shape the course of history.

As Stallone looks back on those pivotal moments, he reminisces, “When I was 26, totally broke, going nowhere VERY fast, owned two pair of pants that barely fit, shoes that had holes in them and dreams of being successful were as far away as the sun… But I had my dog, BUTKUS, my best friend, my confidant, Who always laughed at my jokes, and put up with my moods, and was the one living thing that loved me for who I was!”

And so, in the heartwarming tale of Stallone and Butkus, we find inspiration in the midst of adversity, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the love and support of a loyal friend can light the path to greatness.